Last year, at just 26 years old, Kate Turner passed away from Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB), an incurable disease that causes the skin to blister and peel at the slightest touch.
EB sufferers, also known as Butterfly Children due to their extremely sensitive skin, spend their entire lives in constant, unimaginable pain – where their skin blisters at the slightest touch and a comforting hug from their loved ones can potentially cause even more physical pain.

It was after meeting this inspiring young woman, that Andrew Biszczak decided to embark on The Million Dollar Run, a mission designed to raise a minimum of $1Million for DEBRA Australia – the little known not for profit charity setup to support children living with Epidermolysis Bullosa.
“After meeting Kate and her family a few years ago in my own business, I decided to do all I could to raise much needed funds and awareness for this incredibly worthy cause.”
Beginning on the 31st of July 2016, Andrew will run nearly 2900km over 3 months; which equates to completing approximately 5 marathons a week!
“There is no cure as yet and with only around 1000 sufferers in Australia, there is also no direct government funding either. DEBRA Australia help to support and raise funds and awareness for the Butterfly Children, however, they are virtually all volunteers, and while research is being carried out for a cure, the researchers themselves often spend more time trying to raise funding than actually carrying out necessary research activities.”
PH8 Natural Alkaline Water is proud to be donating a 1000 Litre pallecon that will follow Andrew and his support crew, keeping them replenished and hydrated during this epic journey.

Several lead-up fundraising events are also planned such as a pre-run official launch, quiz nights and other smaller charity runs in the build up to the start of The Million Dollar Run.
Stay in touch with Andrew’s journey via Facebook and help Andrew reach his Million Dollar goal by donating to this amazing cause. show your support by donating to this amazing cause.
Best of luck Andrew, PH8 are behind you all the way!
Event Links
The Million Dollar Run on Facebook
Everyday Hero Donation Page
The Road Map